Giving away free books is a great way to reach new readers, build a fan base, and increase sales.

Sales funnels are getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. They are an essential tool in every marketer’s arsenal. At some point, you will need to start using funnels if you really want to convert traffic to sales.

What is the best funnel?

Today you will learn one of the hottest funnels in the game right now, and most of the big-time marketers are using it to increase sales, build a customer base, increase brand loyalty and attract social media traffic.

It’s called the Free Plus Shipping Book Funnel.

It helps you to build a customer list that will drive more sales by using upsell offers… see The Millionaire Booklet case study here.

The Free Plus Shipping Book Funnel is one of the most powerful sales funnels, especially for advanced marketers.

I’m going to show you how to create each of the 4 steps of a free plus shipping funnel.

You can get pretty creative with this one!

Alright, let’s get started!

What is The Free Plus Shipping Book Funnel?

The funnel offers visitors to your website a free physical book, asking only for an email address, shipping address and the payment for the cost of shipping the book.

Visitors are directed to your landing page through Facebook ads, Pinterest, Google ads, or YouTube. Your landing page is basically the entrance point of the funnel.

What’s interesting about this funnel is that you usually just ‘break even’ on the free book offer.

So, you are offering a book. Let’s say that the book costs $5 to print, and $2 to ship. You would, then, offer the book for free, plus $7 in shipping.

This just barely covers your costs… That is it!

The only monetary cost to you is the cost of getting that click to get someone into your funnel.

But when they click ‘buy’ to get the free plus shipping offer, they will be taken to a checkout page that includes a bump offer… then, to a one click upsell offer page… and this is where the potential to make a lot of extra money starts to take shape.

When they checkout, they also give you their email address for your email list… which you can use to market to them in the future.

Companies sell multi-hundred dollar products with this funnel, and some of them sell products in the multi-thousands range.

And it all starts with a free plus shipping book funnel offer.

Setup Your Funnel in 4 Easy Steps
Here is how visitors enter and navigate through the funnel, one step at a time…
  1. A Facebook ads, Pinterest, Google ads, or YouTube or post sends them to the funnel landing page
  2. The Funnel landing page offers a Free Book just pay for shipping offer
  3. When they click on the offer, they are taken to the checkout page that includes a bump offer.
  4. When they reach the checkout page, they fill out shipping details, email, and payment details.
  5. Once they fill this out and submit payment, they are taken to a one click upsell page
  6. Then, they are taken to the confirmation page where the offer is officially completed.

The Free Plus Shipping Book Funnels convert at a much higher rate than regular product funnels. These funnels are converting upwards of 10 to 20% of traffic. Plus, these are NOT just optins. You are converting them to paying customers!

Click here to see the results from The Millionaire Booklet Free + Shipping Funnel.

This is obviously a more complex funnel than most, but that is also part of what makes it so powerful. When this funnel is setup correctly there is a high potential for conversions.

Feel free to send us any questions or schedule a call. We are happy to help in any way we can.