If You Get Your Header Done Right, 50% of Your Website Will Be Done

Next Level Confident Header

What is a Website Header?

Simply put, it’s the top section of your webpage.

It’s literally the first impression your visitors see when they visit your site. Your header isn’t just that narrow strip on top that has your logo and contact info—consider your header to be ALL that space above the fold you see on your phone before scrolling down.

How to Make a Great Header

Remember that clarity sells products…so speak in simple and clear language. Cute, clever, and even interesting headers do not sell products. Clarity sells.

“The best headers are clear and give your customers complete clarity on what you offer, how they can benefit from your product or service, and what they need to do to get it.” — Matthew Howe, COO at Greenslant.com

Also, choose your images carefully. Smiling, happy people could be a good start. Do NOT use a slideshow in the header or sliding text. You want to get images that best describe your business and what you do.

Here is an example of how we took a client’s header and changed it:


Next Level Confident


Next Level Confident

As you can see, there is a world of difference between a bad or average header and a good header. Bad headers result in missed sales, great headers ring the register!

Here are 3 Questions to Build an Amazing Header:

1. What do you offer?

What is the physical, tangible thing that you offer? What is the service that you provide? Clarity will differentiate you! Write down a short explanation of what your offer is in layman’s terms. Remember, the simpler the better. Your header needs to contain your most important offer.

2. How will it make their life better?

Do they have more money, better relationships, higher status in life, more peace? What is the MAIN benefit? Consider the ONE way your customer’s life will be better after they buy your product. Again, don’t try and make a list of 10 things even if there are 10 benefits…boil it down to the main way you make their life better. That’s what you need to communicate in the header!

3. How can they buy it?

Buy now, schedule a call, shop now…whatever your call to action is, your header needs to have it. There needs to be a clear call to action whether it’s a form, a button, or a video you want them to watch. Use a strong call to action and remember your customers’ eyes read your page in a Z pattern—so add call to action to both the top right and middle of your header.

Remember, if you get your header done right you have 50% of your website done.

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